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Generator Electrician in Ocean County

Electrician With 47+ Years Experience With Generac Generators in New Jersey

The question I get asked often is, "why should I have an automatic backup generator instead of a portable generator?"

When you have an automatic backup generator the advantages exceed a portable generator. It is a safer way to provide power, running on your home's natural gas is WAY less expensive, they start within seconds of a power outage (just ask any of my neighbors, the moment the power goes out you hear mine kick on), and the list goes on.

When it comes to generators I always choose Generac. They have been manufacturing and designing generators since 1959 and it is a product line you can trust.

If you are interested in a generator near the Jersey Shore, contact A. R. Pollio Electrical Contractor, LLC today because an experienced electrician with over 47 years of electrical work is someone you can trust. For a free estimate fill out my online contact form or call me at 732-892-1450. Choose to NOT be powerless today!

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